Friday, September 27, 2013

Starting Up Again

I restarted my Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred today. I stepped on the scale this morning and decided that 181.2 pounds is just too much. I am too frustrated with my weight to enjoy basic things right now, and I refuse to give my kids a mom who hates what she’s become. That’s not to say I hate my life or anything! I love my kiddos and I love my husband, but this self-consciousness and disgust is getting in the way.
I don’t think I’ll share actual 'before' pictures at this point besides these Instagrams (I don’t think that would be good for anyone!), but I would like to post on here from time to time and let you know how it’s going.

Today I pushed myself and worked hard, I’m now a sweaty mess, and I have a renewed passion for drinking plenty of water. : ) Feel free to send me a shout out every once in a while to make sure I don’t quit. I have a tendency to poop out on things really easily.
These are the most important people in my world. How can I show these guys the joys of life and living according to God's plan if I'm granting myself exceptions every time I get a chocolate craving?? I want more for me and for them. : ) Here goes nothing!

Friday, September 20, 2013

31 Days of Blogging

Just dropping in for a quick "hello!" : ) It felt so good to get a new blog post up the other day! It’s nice to get my thoughts down on paper screen and empty out my mind a bit. Not that there’s much to spare in there, but still…

One of my favorite bloggers, The Nester, is doing a 31 Days of Blogging challenge over on her blog Nesting Place and I’m thinking I’d like to dive in and do it. I don’t think that I’ll be writing anything ground-breaking or even coherent, but I think challenging myself to post every day in the month of October will be good for me. Who know? Maybe the new self-discipline will cross over to my weight battle and I’ll lose 40 pounds no problem! It could happen! (Name that movie) : )

She encourages bloggers to write about something that is pertinent to their lives right now, and the topic I’m thinking of is ‘Moving.’ We obviously just moved and I’d like to share about some of my moving experiences but I’d also like to write about simply being moved on an emotional level along with the sense of motion that you experience as you travel through life.

I’m excited and I’ve already started drafting up my list of possible topics, so check back in the month of October and don’t be surprised if a post or two is just random words typed up and then posted. That will still count, right??

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First Glimpse of a Girrrrly Girl

Well, it’s happened. My little Eden Mae is officially a girl. To be clear, she has always been a girl as far as her anatomy and such, but now she’s a girrrrl. (There’s also a very real chance that some of her girrrrliness is rubbing off on me, but I don’t want to talk about that right now.)
She and her friends now squeal uncontrollably and scream that ‘only-dogs-can-hear-this’ scream when they are around the boys in their class. I found out the hard way at Eden's 6th birthday party that this phenomenon was now a part of our lives.
To illustrate, from what I gather from her after-school reports, they are all playing a game called ‘Capture’ at recess. In addition to being mind-blowingly creative in the naming department, this game is—that’s right—boys against girls.
The fundamental problem with ‘Capture’ that the boys probably didn’t bank on is this: girls always want to be caught. From first grade playground games to college parties, the girl is always looking for the boy to catch her and take her back to meet the family home base.
So these poor six- and seven-year-old boys are chasing girls that are screaming and pretending to run away. And these poor girls think that the boys that catch them were chasing them because they like them/think they’re pretty/are their best friend. News flash kiddos: boys want to win. Period. Sometimes they chase the girls that they like but mostly they just want to win.
Further illustration of the basic differences between what girls see and what boys see :)
To all you poor young girls out there, let me enlighten you further. This doesn’t stop when they get older. When you’re in high school and all the guys decide to have a ‘guys night’ where they play video games or go pumpkin bowling, you will not be invited and you will not be missed. {Sorry!} While they’re out being stupid and/or gross, your ‘girls night’ will consist of watching romantic comedies that paint a very unrealistic picture of love and talking about the boys.
It feels unfair, huh? But the truth that I would like to impart to my girls is this: the male species (mystery though it is) is fairly simple. They don’t have millions of thoughts in their heads all the time like we do. They don’t read into little things like we do, and they are perfectly happy staring blankly at a television for hours without saying a word. I don’t get it either. They’re weird. You learn to live with them. Girrrl it up, gals!